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      Britinva replied to the thread Maximum install area.
      I had misread the Underlayment requirements...... need to use 15lb Asphalt felt (doubling over heating ducts)
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      Britinva replied to the thread Maximum install area.
      Yes, it's prefinished
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      Britinva replied to the thread Maximum install area.
      No, I'm going to discuss further with the supplier see if they can get more info. Not sure how noticeable 1/32" will be and how have needed.
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      Britinva replied to the thread Maximum install area.
      So heard back that I should leave 3/4" around perimeter and any fixed structure. I should also start in central area and work outwards...
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      Britinva reacted to highup's post in the thread Maximum install area with Like Like.
      That looks pretty stable. The figures are moisture content outdoors, so the bigger issues would arise if you took a 4 month vacation in...
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      Britinva replied to the thread Maximum install area.
      DC is nearest (abt. 25m inland) 11.1 to 12.6. Not sure if that's considered a big swing.
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      Britinva replied to the thread Maximum install area.
      Yes, home conditioned and heated year round. There are a couple of areas in middle of width where I could add 1/16th or 1/8th washers...
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      Hi, anyone have experience in installing Hickory solid hardwood floors when the maximum length is 45ft and width 36ft (I am asking...
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