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  1. J

    Hardwood on stairs: does the nosing have to be from one piece ?

    If it’s just a covering there’s no code against it that I ever heard of. Just make sure all the stairs, including top and bottom landings, are the same height.
  2. J

    What’s Cookin

    Add applesauce...Yum
  3. J

    Hardwood on stairs: does the nosing have to be from one piece ?

    Unless it’s a very wide step I’ve never seen the nosing done in two pieces like that. Doesn’t seem like a good idea to me due to potential flexing. Just asking for trouble. I can’t think of any reason to do that unless you ran out of material.
  4. J

    What did you do today?

    Wow! Half a mil!! That's impressive... Original motor?
  5. J

    What did you do today?

    Aw crap, sorry to hear that. Unfortunately you’re right. Insurance companies don’t care how much you put into it. Unless you have a special policy they go by the book. You can look it up. 🥹...
  6. J

    What did you do today?

    Musta had quite a few drunks driving through the front door to justify that expense? 😜
  7. J


    Watch at 2:39… You know he jammed his hand on the tack strip when he dropped the knife and stopped the camera… I remember doing that more than once…Ouch! lol
  8. J


    Anyone remember carpeting stringers? First thing I learned as a helper. Glad that went out of style. Turn up the volume on the video, makes it seem exciting…LOL … I was waiting to see the bloody knuckles from the tackless…🤪
  9. J

    Thought of the day .

    In a country like ours, what are the options? What’s the average citizen to do? Vote for the other guy? Run for office and make things right? Revolution? Way I see it is our greedy government officials are controlled by greedy global corporations beyond our control. Aldous was a smart...
  10. J

    Home Decorators hand scraped distressed bamboo harvest

    Alrighty then, hard to argue with success. Just seems to me, that in my area anyway, if Home Depot and Lowe’s just collaborated a little they could do just as much business with half as many stores… I‘m probably wrong. Billionaires didn’t become billionaires by being stupid.
  11. J

    Home Decorators hand scraped distressed bamboo harvest

    From what I’ve noticed around here whenever a Home Depot or Lowe’s pops up the other is not far behind…. Keeping each other in check? I dunno, seems like overkill but you don’t have to travel far to get to either one on Long Island. They’re everywhere. I have five Home Depots and three Lowe’s...
  12. J

    What did you do today?

    Yea power washers need a hose…Unless you have a giant commercial one with a giant tank…That needs a truck to move it around. Brush is easier for small projects.
  13. J

    What did you do today?

    Definitely don’t need a hundred dollar model. There’s a bazillion of um on Amazon or I’m sure at Walmart too. This one’s nice with the hose attachment...
  14. J

    Discussing politics and religion

    I’ve been in a few joints like that…But they were more about beer than food…🤣
  15. J

    What did you do today?

    About 20 lbs. but I’m sure retirement had something to do with that also…😫
  16. J

    What did you do today?

    Carefully…LOL I was able to get in there and under the interior floor through the space between the deck and the floor, where the door will go.
  17. J

    What did you do today?

    Changed the back door at the Islip shop yesterday… What a can o worms! Building is over 100 years old with some serious settling going on. Like the leaning tower of Pisa…. That I knew, what I didn’t know was how rotted out it was underneath. Ended up just throwing some pressure treated under...
  18. J

    Removing a high spot

    Then you really don’t have to worry about getting that hump completely flat… One more vote for sanding. Or just a little patch on either side to lessen the severity…. But I‘m guessing you want it perfect…😎
  19. J

    Removing a high spot

    What’s being installed? Floating floor? Sanding sounds right… But if not how about some undercourse/shims/cedar shake Instead of Masonite? Might be able to get it closer to flat with less or no patch.
  20. J

    Apartment job quote

    yea true, but with many apartments the carpet is gonna get trashed by the tenants who are only there a short time anyway. I give the landlords the nod on this one. Buy cheap, replace often. If you have a tenant that you know and trust, and they’re gonna stick around a while then give them an...