Stopping spam emails

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2014
A colleague in my address book recently started sending spam, porn and such. I know it's not something he would forward, as we're just business. Is there a way to stop this?
There was a virus going around a few years ago that was sending all that crap to all your contacts in your address book. Ask him if his other contacts are getting them to . If so , Have him post on here and i will clean it up for him.
I use gmail, he uses yahoo, It's all business in our exchanges, so if I brought it up, it might be embarrassing for him and weird for me.
Do what Floorest sugests .

A nice password, that involves numbers, letters, both small case and large case and also the use of several of these #. $ %. it drives the spamers!

Also tell your friend Yahoo is loaded with spammers , and hackers . Suggest he try a new e mail client .
Be careful Floorist . Yahoo is loaded with hackers . and they can get your info off the header of your e mail.
Changing passwords will have little to no impact. Once an email address has been farmed it is in the spam system. Passwords will help to keep an address out of the system but once it is out there, well "the cat's out of the bag".

Believe it or not, gmail/yahoo do filter out a lot of spam, way more than you might think.

We use a email spam/virus/malware filter service. 70% of our email is blocked, and some spam still gets through.
That Virus i fixed on that other site if you remember ?.
Kept sending the same e mail to all your contacts about 20 times a day .

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