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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
Here you go...Ernesto

I really love these snow photos, they look all nice and tidy
As we never get to see snow here in Auckland
When we went to Canada a couple of years ago we stayed at a Fairmont Hotel at Banff and one at Quebec a bit later. They are really neat old hotels like castles
I would love to see them covered with snow. Not get out of the car though. just look :D
Another fire sky. This is where High should pop in.
OK OK... Found a reluctant, combative, angry seagull to pose for my own fire in the sky photo.
Wildlife can be real PITA to work with. They have some real attitudes issues. They are so innocent looking, cute and polite on PBS "Nature" episodes.
In reality............... they will peck your eyes out given a chance. :D

Seagull with caption 1000.jpg
Great shot High. The best sunset I've ever seen was on the Pacific. The sun took on many different shapes and colors right at the horizon before it finally set. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to see it most every day, if I can get Patty talked into moving over there.

As far as seagulls go, once we were trolling for salmon and before we could get the bait under water, a silly gull grabbed it and hooked itself.:rolleyes: Before we could get it down to get the hook out, it was like flying a kite on you pole for 20 minutes. Great entertainment for the onlookers that afternoon.:D
Great shot High. The best sunset I've ever seen was on the Pacific. The sun took on many different shapes and colors right at the horizon before it finally set. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to see it most every day, if I can get Patty talked into moving over there.

As far as seagulls go, once we were trolling for salmon and before we could get the bait under water, a silly gull grabbed it and hooked itself.:rolleyes: Before we could get it down to get the hook out, it was like flying a kite on you pole for 20 minutes. Great entertainment for the onlookers that afternoon.:D

Ever caught one of these? :D

That setting sun does some funky things when setting over the ocean.

FH000092 Sea Lion sunset_filtered 800 97.jpg

FH000027 cropped sunset distortion 800.jpg

FH000023 cropped sunset before greenflash_filtered.jpg

FH000021 Greenflash cropped_filtered.jpg
Ever caught one of these? :D


Had one try and take my crab pot away from me while trying to pull it up once. At least that's what I think it was. The pot ended up all caved in on the top side.

That's the sun I was talking of. I'm guessing it's the atmosphere, clouds and fog out there that plays a part in it. Sure is a great way to close the day out there. Great pic's!
Great shot High. The best sunset I've ever seen was on the Pacific. The sun took on many different shapes and colors right at the horizon before it finally set. Hopefully, someday I'll be able to see it most every day, if I can get Patty talked into moving over there.

As far as seagulls go, once we were trolling for salmon and before we could get the bait under water, a silly gull grabbed it and hooked itself.:rolleyes: Before we could get it down to get the hook out, it was like flying a kite on you pole for 20 minutes. Great entertainment for the onlookers that afternoon.:D

We went through the sea gull thing once out walleye fishing in northern Minnesota. The gull took my friends bait on the front of the boat. All we could hear was him saying let it go" and turned around looked and he was fishing in the sky. Earlier in the day his wife was fishing from a dock andher line went crazy. She fought it in until it go close to the dock and it was a loon that took her bait. He seen her andthe proceeded to strip her reel. Some one in a boat caught up to the loon to untangle the line and unhook him. Man and wife in the same day.
Gorgeous pictures there High really like the one with the seals.


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