Imhotep for Governor!!!

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Jul 5, 2011
Los Angeles, CA
This dude is running for Governor of California.

In the olden days we'd put a picture of him in the basement to scare the rats away.

I remember the first time he became a public figure during the financial crisis he was one of the very powerful figures shuffling around the TRILLIONS of bailout money, essentially deciding who would live or die as far as insurance, brokerages, banks, corporations struggling with debt...........

I know nothing about this man other than what I just wrote above and his picture which gives me THE CREEPS to the tenth power. Would you let this guy babysit your children? Would you care to have a beer with him at a bar-b-que? What I'm saying is voters are some shallow, fickle people-----probably much more so than the general public who MIGHT actually judge the man not by the color of his skim but by the content of his character.

Kashkari looks like that BAD GUY from the Mummy movies. I was shocked when I seen the TV ads the past few day. This ought to be fun.
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He does look like the guy from the Mummy movies.

who, not so coincidentally was SELECTED for the part in the Mummy movies BECAUSE he resembles the ancient artifacts of the actual Imhotep.........

scary stuff

I would be absolutely AMAZED if such a politician who so resembles the..............can I be Frank? .....the terrorists...........could be elected dog catcher let alone the Governor of California.

I'm just sayin'
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who, not so coincidentally was SELECTED for the part in the Mummy movies BECAUSE he resembles the ancient artifacts of the actual Imhotep.........

scary stuff

I would be absolutely AMAZED if such a politician who so resembles the..............can I be Frank? .....the terrorists...........could be elected dog catcher let alone the Governor of California.

I'm just sayin'

Yeah, but these are the people who elected Schwarzenegger.:p
Could be worse .

Qualifications, not race, gender or sexual preference. Certainly movie stars do not qualify in most instances.
I don't believe everything I read in the paper rusty. I heard people say the same thing you heard about movie stars but they were talking about carpet layers.
We all know that carpet installers are deviates.:eek:

They sure drop a lot of rolls of carpet in the freeways out here. I remember the first few years I was driving around here listening to the AM radio for traffic problems. Seemed like about every other day somewheres on the freeway system there was a roll of carpet flopping around.

I don't hear about that so much any more. Either the economy is slower or they don't even bother to mention it any more it's so common.
LOL. I read this thread because I have a cat named Imhotep. I did like the Mummy movies though and I'm actually quite fascinated with the Egyptian history and Imhotep was a fascinating person. I know he was credited as being a physician (or at least keeper of knowledge about medicine, an architect, and the adviser to Hatshepsut).

That guy does greatly resemble Arnold Vosloo (who is actually from South Africa-- I checked the IMDB). Honestly, he doesn't resemble the middle easterners all that much to me, but then I went to an international school so I actually knew people from the middle east.

I still find it funny that the governor of Louisiana has the same last name of a troll villain in World of Warcraft.

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