The Trojan Zeus virus resurfaces on Facebook

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In Remembrance
Jan 31, 2010
, New Jersey reports today that the Zeus virus which was first discovered back in 2007, has resurfaced. The virus is one of the most dangerous Trojans ever created, because it does not shut down the users computer once activated. The latest onslaught from Zeus, is using Facebook to infect PC's.

There has been reports of the virus being attached to bogus links on Facebook pages such as "Bring the NFL to Los Angeles." Once the link is clicked, the page re-directs to a download page asking the user to download a common software. When the download is initiated, the virus is downloaded, where it's source page, which often has URL's of bank websites, is then activated. Simply meaning, that whenever a user accesses their bank accounts, passwords and account numbers, as well as social security numbers and other sensitive information, is then stolen.

In short, be very careful with any links posted by friends and family on Facebook. If those links lead you to an external site asking you to download anything, be sure to check and double check the source. If in doubt, do not activate the download.

Another virus similar to Zeus, known as Eurograbber, has already been responsible for stealing a reported $46.5 million from European users.

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