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    • D
      Dan replied to the thread Jokes.
      Be careful, Tom. Many states require animal bites must be reported to the law. In many cases the animal will be euthanized. In most...
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      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Like Like.
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      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Haha Haha.
      One day God was looking down at earth and saw all of the rascally retirees' behavior that was going on. So He called His angels and...
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      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Gun free zone with Like Like.
      You are wrong. If all guns were gone, no one could fight them over turning the US into a communist state. That is their goal. They know...
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      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Gun free zone with Like Like.
      If a demonrat president could, they would take all guns by force. They have said so. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D – CA) does. “Banning...
    • D
      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Haha Haha.
      I was driving in my old neighborhood and decided to swing by the house I grew up in. I knocked on the door and asked them if I could...
    • D
      Dan replied to the thread Jokes.
    • D
      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Like Like.
    • D
      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Haha Haha.
    • D
      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Like Like.
    • D
      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Like Like.
    • D
      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Haha Haha.
    • D
      Dan reacted to DarisMulkin's post in the thread Jokes with Haha Haha.
      -College education Fred turns to Pete and says, "You know, I'm tired of going through life without an education. Tomorrow I think I'll...
    • D
      Dan replied to the thread Jokes.
      They left out cicadas.
    • D
      Dan reacted to Floorist's post in the thread Jokes with Like Like.
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