Gun free zone

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Will work for food
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
O lordy......
Ward said the chain told him “there was another customer that was ‘scared for her life’ who was seated across” from the couple, and said “she was afraid because ‘police are shooting people.’”

According to Ward’s post, “This customer went on to demand to be escorted to her vehicle out of fear of being shot.”
We need a head shaking smiley........ sheesh. The should have scorted the lady from the establishment. asked the officer escort her to her car. :D
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IMO, designated "gun free" zones do not stop criminals from bringing their guns. If the illegality of murder doesn't stop them, why would gun prohibition do so?

It's like when they tried to ban alcohol-- it just made a bunch of fat cats rich off of bootlegging it and people got killed.
I'm not against people having guns. But I see no reason for a private individual to owner those type of assault weapons. I really don't believe they make good hunting rifles unless you are that bad of a shot where you have to spray the area.



My old 22 rifle holds the same amount, shoots the same and only has a slightly larger round, a .22 compared to a .223.
I think the reason they are being used is because they have been made popular by the newsmedia.
I think they should be banned .. But that will never happen with all the money the NRA fills the pockets of the crooked congress , and senate ..

That is Dem , and Reps .. :mad:
My old 22 rifle holds the same amount, shoots the same and only has a slightly larger round, a .22 compared to a .223.
They just wouldn't be the same gun if had a walnut stock and a blued barrel.
...o wait, yes they would. :D
If he had two or three pistols and a handful of clips, he could have done the same thing. Had those guns been banned he would have still been able to accomplish his twisted goal. Everybody in this county that has guns, has one of those in his arsenal. except me. Just got my Super Single Six from the 1970's
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I think they should be banned .. But that will never happen with all the money the NRA fills the pockets of the crooked congress , and senate ..

That is Dem , and Reps .. :mad:

So you think that almost all hunting rifles should be banned? almost all fire exactly like the AR 15, but most use larger ammo which would be more deadly. The 1994 ban was based on looks and not function.
By the way, compared to what pharmaceutical companies give members of congress, the NRA gives them a drop in the bucket. And opioids kill far more people than guns.
My old 22 rifle holds the same amount, shoots the same and only has a slightly larger round, a .22 compared to a .223.

Which old .22 hold thirty rounds? I know of a few that held 14 to 17 rnds but were bolt or pump action, not semi-auto. I had a Ruger that was prolly the first semi-auto that held 10 rnds and was a rotary magazine. And a .223/.556 is fitty times more powerful than a .22.

Daris, plenty of people hunt with them, especially those russian boars that are taking over the south. Can't kill them fast enough.

Problem isn't the guns Rusty... after most of these events, almost always, people come forward saying such things as "everyone knew he was going to do something like that".
In this case it's much worse.
...I think the FBI is distracted with "more important" :rolleyes: things these days than following up on tips about possible school violence.
......oops, so sorry. :mad:

I always remember the Tommy Lee Jones line "the FBI couldn't find a hooker in a wh*rehouse"
The problem is the generation of
They get butthurt over anything. They started with the "participation" trophies so no one would lose. Now they get counseling if someone tells them they are not perfect. And they get loaded with drugs for things we took for granted.
The problem is the generation of
They get butthurt over anything. They started with the "participation" trophies so no one would lose. Now they get counseling if someone tells them they are not perfect. And they get loaded with drugs for things we took for granted.
Saw that a couple of kids posted images of themselves online joking about doing a shooting after seeing the news of the school shooting. Just shows the mindset of some kids growing up today. How can anyone joke about somethng like this.
Here's what I'd like to see. A total ban and confiscation of all video games portraying shooting people., a one year ban on movies and tv shows that show guns being used.
Hollywood is the largest promoter of guns and violence, so why not start there.
When I was a kid, bugs Bunny got bonked by a large mallet and saw stars and little birdies spinning around his head.
Wile-E Coyote blew himself up with TNT and his hair and face turned black.
Elmer chased Bugs with a musket.
Father knows Best........ My Three Sons, Leave it to Beaver, Lone Ranger, Superman, and yes, even Batman taught kids how to behave and what is right and wrong..... we don't get that anymore. So sad what kids get fed these days.
Today, I guess it's best see blood, guts and realistic body parts flying across the screen in slow motion. :mad:
And people wonder why we have such a decayed society.:rolleyes:
Problem is, if my ban was in place, the movie and TV industry would have to hire writers with actual talent. All they know how to do these is set up digitized chases and shooting scenes.
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With loud music so you can't hear what they are saying ..

Kids shouldn't have to go to school in fear for their lives , and parents should expect their kids to come home at night ..

The simple answer is that many members of our Congress are beholden to the NRA for campaign contributions.. They are afraid to pass any sensible gun restrictions, for fear that financial support will dry up.. Obviously, many members of the NRA make money off the sale of firearms and they probably don't care what happens after an assault weapon ends up in the hands of a mentally unstable, unhappy person with revenge on his mind.. It is my opinion that all assault weapons should be banned except for use by the military.. Any hunter who needs an assault weapon to bring down an animal is not a hunter, he is a butcher.. Certainly any gun can kill, but the gunman is less likely to massacre so many victims if he has to stop and reload. At least his intended victims have a better chance of survival. Yes, I know that the second amendment allows gun ownership, but the writers of that amendment could not know how weaponry would evolve over time.. If a thoughtful Congress would pass legislation banning the sale and outlawing the possession of assault weapons, it would be a start .. Many in Congress are beholden to the Drug Industry, so that is a topic to be addressed at a later date as well as the issue of identifying and helping the mentally unstable among us.. As I have said before--I do not have all the answers, but I do have the right to express my opinion.. And so do you ..

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