How to find specific type of work ?

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Supporting Member
Jun 25, 2016
I’ve been installing off and on since 1978 . I am self taught and self motivated.
I had a very sick daughter that stopped my flooring work and I spent 28 years wiping butts and cleaning vomit as a LPN .
In 2016 my son and brother in law talked me into contracting flooring again.

So now I’m going to quit or really what I want to possibly do is focus solely on welding.
Welding vinyl floors of course.
The question for the community I have is , How would you find a specific kind of work like installing sports floors or welding vinyl or “cove and cap” ???
Is there a trade magazine or website I don’t know about ?
When I wanted to focus on doing floating floors exclusively, because that’s where the easy money was, the best thing I did was to quit doing everything else that was in opposition to what I wanted to do. This will free up more of your time so you can go after the type of work you want to do.
I’ve been installing off and on since 1978 . I am self taught and self motivated.
I had a very sick daughter that stopped my flooring work and I spent 28 years wiping butts and cleaning vomit as a LPN .
In 2016 my son and brother in law talked me into contracting flooring again.

So now I’m going to quit or really what I want to possibly do is focus solely on welding.
Welding vinyl floors of course.
The question for the community I have is , How would you find a specific kind of work like installing sports floors or welding vinyl or “cove and cap” ???
Is there a trade magazine or website I don’t know about ?
When I was running crews of men I could easily determine who belonged on what set of tools with what sorts of tasks and I'd do whatever I could to keep those superior workers on the more challenging tasks. The ones you list are in fact the more skilled installations------compared to most commercial floors. So the best guys WOULD be doing those things nearly all year long.

But aside from a few fluke years when the economy was gangbusters every guy in our shop of between 20-50 guys would be needed on random, other installations to get those jobs done and keep the men working 40 hours+ a week. So that means there's some big prep job or a zillion feet of rubber cove base or God forbid even some stretch carpet you had to do. When I got late 50's I started refusing the stretch carpet, mostly because I didn't want to lump around the Senior Stretcher. I don't have a junior. Finally I sold my iron to an apprentice for $25. They kept asking me for years and years and I could just say no, I dont have my carpet tools anymore.

It wouldn't hard for you to specialize if you didn't need to work full time. Otherwise it would be very luck if you could hook up with a large shop that could pigeonhole you into the jobs you prefer.
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I’m already hooked up with a National chain of stores and they’re adding cove and cap welded to the bathrooms. I’ve done a few and I want all of them. I am trying to get in when these jobs are first hitting the market like surgical centers and medical buildings
It wouldn't hard for you to specialize if you didn't need to work full time. Otherwise it would be very luck if you could hook up with a large shop that could pigeonhole you into the jobs you prefer.

Yes. I knew I was gonna have a few down days once I narrowed down what surfaces I was going to do. I looked at it as if I was opening up my schedule to opportunity. You can’t be doing what you want to be doing if you’re too busy doing what you don’t want to be doing.

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