TV bias

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Will work for food
Supporting Member
Mar 6, 2011
I love the nature programs on PBS, but the sky is falling theme outweighs reality 98.9 times out of 100. It's not a balanced evenly....... not even slightly be it political or environmental.

Here it is, a wonderful show with furry critters, beautiful rivers and all is cute, cuddly, and purdy.
..............but like clockwork during their shows, mankind is destroying everything that you just witnessed. We are evil and everything under the sun that is bad is because of us horrible humans.

I just saw an article, and it got me wishing (it's delusional I know and it will never happen)
............ wishing that the same bias could be made into a TV program on gun ownership and gun owners, so that the non gun owners and the anti-gun people could at least experience the 'other side' of the coin.
I am not talking a debate........ a 100% pro gun show.
Some of the more rational antigunners might be persuaded or enlightened by learning that gun owners are not crazy people, nor is the NRA. .............. these are family people, and responsible people, and they enjoy gun ownership for a variety of reasons.
I was amazed to read this from CNN.

Oh my goodness, gun owners are good and decent people. :eek:

Crazy people will continue to be crazy tho, so that topic should be included into my delusional TV program idea also.
I started hunting at age 10 and was taught from the start " you don't shoot any animal unless you plan to eat it" Don't care much for game any more so haven't hunted for years. Without the hunters, many game animals would starve. And it's been proven that every time concealed carry is allowed, crime decreases.
That said, I think some guns, like assault rifles have no purpose in the hands of the general public.
That depends on what assault weapons actually mean. Fully automatic? ....or mean and military looking?
Those mean looking guns are probably the most common guns sold.
My own view is more like often are fully automatic weapons used in a crime? That alone would justify owning one.
Heck, who can even afford to shoot one for 10 seconds? :eek: Man, that's a lot of moolah for a cheap thrill.
You can only buy machine guns registered prior to May 1986 so there are not that many available. Every time a person sells one, the price goes higher............ I think you are lookin at well over $15 thousand just to own one, let alone the ammo cost. Goofy people don't own assault weapons.
We don't need a street legal Lamborghini that has a to speed of 225 mph either, but owning one and going that fast on a highway could kill a lot of people in an instant.
It's not about availability, it's about choice. Once they deem one gun evil, the 'close to evil' looking gun will be next, then the hunting only guns will be OK, then we will be told hunting isn't necessary.
Problem is not the guns and never has been. Guns are fun, guns are sporting, guns can also be used to kill criminals who unlawfully use guns and enter your home.
Putting it more simply, how often is an 'evil looking' gun used in a crime? How often is a 'normal' looking gun used?
What's the gun death rate in the US........... 20, 40, 50 thousand per year? What was the weapon of choice?
What State has the highest level of criminal gun use? .............yes, the one with the most restrictive gun laws.
It's not the gun make or model that causes crime.
I started hunting at age 10 and was taught from the start " you don't shoot any animal unless you plan to eat it" Don't care much for game any more so haven't hunted for years. Without the hunters, many game animals would starve. And it's been proven that every time concealed carry is allowed, crime decreases.
That said, I think some guns, like assault rifles have no purpose in the hands of the general public.
My main point Rusty, was those guns that are fun to shoot......... are fun, just like fast cars or ATV's. Banning fun will not effect idiots and evildoers. Tehy will chose another method. Look at all the planning the most recent nutcase put into his effort.

.............. no guns available? Heck, just set fire to all the theater entrances....... it's cheaper too. Crazy people will do what they want to.
One more addition to the topic, which demonstrates that anti gun irrationality.

Some people only want to allow guns for hunting game............ food on the table............ no other reason to own a gun.
Some say self protection is OK too..................... but you shouldn't be allowed to carry it concealed.
Problem arises when you get down to the brass tacks.............. honest law abiding people do not commit crimes. With that statement, the topic should in reality be
'every US household owner should be required to own a gun and be instructed how to use it'
.....yeaaaah, THAT's the ticket!:D
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Our police don't carry firearms But they do have them in some of the police cars in the boot
We all law abiding here? :D

You need to be born with a gun in your hand like we are to understand how we think up here, Jon.
You fellas should never own em. Nope............... never ever. :D
Slingshots maybe, but only using soft foam, fruit or vegetables. :D
You need to be born with a gun in your hand like we are to understand how we think up here, Jon.
You fellas should never own em. Nope............... never ever. :D
Slingshots maybe, but only using soft foam, fruit or vegetables. :D

Highup, I don't think they have Lions, Tigers and Bears there, oh my! Just sheep, so no guns needed.;)
I started hunting at age 10 and was taught from the start " you don't shoot any animal unless you plan to eat it" Don't care much for game any more so haven't hunted for years. Without the hunters, many game animals would starve. And it's been proven that every time concealed carry is allowed, crime decreases.
That said, I think some guns, like assault rifles have no purpose in the hands of the general public.

KInd of like to change the constitution?

define assault weapons.
I will never understand the media's issue involving "assault" weapons.
Well over 99% gun crimes in California were committed with hand guns, rifles and shotguns. Why the assault on automatic weapons? (theatrics come to mind)
You have to purchase a used one at highly inflated prices, then pass a substantial background check to get ownership. Full autos are not, and have not been available for sale for many many moons.
Even then, you still can't shoot it however and wherever you want to.

We need to ban and confiscate handguns, shotguns and rifles if we are to make a dent in gun crime. "assault weapons are a buzz word to promote gun control. See how fast the media jumps on gun control when something bad happens.

Before banning handguns, shotguns and rifles, we need first to ban movies with guns in them. Most TV shows and movies are 98% shootings and extreme violence. How nice of them to desensitize our youth to blood and guts, and shooting people to solve minor squabbles.

Anyone ever see blood or guts in a Superman or Lone Ranger episode? about Highway Patrol, Dragnet, Hawaii 5-0 or Andy Griffith Show? Nope, it was just good versus evil............ and evil was never portrayed as attractive back then........... today evil is glamorized.

Hollywood loves gun control, why not start with them?
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I would try with those games kids play
When I was young, before TV, we had only boring games as compared to today

I didn't even think of that............ I'm not a gamer. OK, lets add that to the list.
Anyone caught playing a violent game shall be put in solitary, and be forced to watch Leave it to Beaver, My Three Sons, and The Brady Bunch 'till they repent. :D
I still believe that 99% of all gun crimes had an automobile associated with the crime. We need to ban all cars because this is getting out of control!
Wow, it's much simpler than that........... ban gasoline instead of the cars and we will solve global warming and violence in one felled swoop! Man, this is getting so much easier when we all come together with good ideas. :D

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