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The government is full of idiot bean-counters who have all sorts of stupid rules. When we got hit by Paka, none of the island had electricity except the federal buildings & the air port. My father ordered a washer and dryer to be set up at his offices & the bean counters said the people should have to go to the laundromat to get their clothes cleaned. He then had to explain to him that the only laundromats on the island got wiped out by the storm. He said his people needed showers, clean clothes, and food. One of the best examples of the stupidity was when they called to ask him why he paid to have a vehicle shipped from Guam to Saipain. "It's only 30 miles! Why didn't you have someone drive it there!" He then had to tell the person to get out an atlas and note that Guam and Saipan are separate islands and it's 30 miles of ocean in between. Idiots.

Military is just as bad. I still remember they were building something and then stopped. Turns out there was some confusion about the budgeting. They used the wrong funds or something and no longer were authorized to continue building so the partial building just sat there rotting.
But then you have the military/government officials who only paid attention to the price of items and not shipping. There was a company that realized that the govt/military never checked the price of shipping. So first started charging something like $99 shipping on a $0.03 item. Then started charging thousands of dollars. Finally got busted charging $100k on a shipment of washes & nuts. Accountants went back and saw they'd been screwed out of over two million $. The company owners offered to pay it back to not go to jail but were told "too late".

Anyway, things in the town are sucking right now because the water supply got contaminated when they were trying to repair a broken 75yr old pump. City didn't have water for about a week before the storm was supposed to hit. It's under boil advisory right now so none of the restaurants can serve ice or anything made with tap water (well, they aren't supposed to-- I bet Pizza Hut is still serving bc Mike is an a-hole). I'm relieved the storm missed us but I feel bad that it hit Frodo (from plumbing, houserepair, and homesteading forums). I hope he'll get power back quickly.

My friend's gf's family from Raceland evacuated to my friend's house. The gf invited them without consulting my friend first. I went by this morning to pick up the sick kitten that my friend was supposed to be taking care of. He got too sick with Covid to take care of it properly and his gf threw the poor thing outside. The day before yesterday the kitten's eyeball ruptured. I didn't know about it until the vet was closed. So I took him in today. Not only was the eyeball ruptured & he still had crud in the other eye, but his front paws were infected and he had an ear infection. Vet cleaned him up, trimmed his claws (said pus came out of them when she trimmed them), and gave him antibiotics. I really wish I could bring him home but I don't have a safe place for him. I took him back over to my friend and told him the kitten needed to stay inside where he could get his paws cleaned daily, his eyes get the medicine twice daily (even the dead one bc it needed to be disinfected), and the little guy needed love and food. He promised to keep him in and brought him inside. Upside is they didn't actually charge tax at the vet's office this time-- they normally do. Might have been an error though. The antibiotic shot used to be $10. It's now $32. Exam price has doubled as well. But it was still under $100 so it wasn't so bad.

Friend is no longer Covid positive but hasn't recovered completely. He's still feeling weak and has shortness of breath. He gets winded walking to his driveway. I think part of that is the heat.

My brother informed me earlier that he has a job interview tomorrow. I think he wants me to drive him. But he can drive himself. I just hope they aren't messing with the roads then. He may have to take the backroads out. They are tearing up the paved road right now. If I'd been in a lower vehicle I would have gotten high-centered. They didn't have any warning signs of road work either. It's a mess.
My kitties missed me while I was out so they have piled on to me again.
I'm still working on my pickup trying to get the intake manifold gaskets on. I was just about ready to and had everything cleaned up.
Saw something I didn't like and it needs more investigation.
I need to try and find out if it's my head gasket that's leaking. 🙈😱😡
Maybe it isn't but I've got to find a way to test it and I've come up with a plan.
Last night I cut up four pieces of quarter inch aluminum and four pieces of plywood and made a wood/aluminum/ silicone end cap for each of the four water ports in the heads. The aluminum should act as a great big washer. I was going to put the aluminum on the bottom but then I rethought my methodology.


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Highup, that is an adorable little birdy! I almost lost all thoughts from my head over the cuteness. The little chirp it made! Awww. So cool that it landed on your hand.
Friend sent me a pic of the kitten. Poor little thing is racked out on the floor in front of a fan. (yeah, that floor needs a transition strip there-- pretty big drop so I think it needs bullnose).

My friend feels really bad that he didn't notice anything wrong with the kitten's paws last night. Hopefully the little guy will pull through. I'm still very sorely tempted to bring him home so I can have two fluffy black cats. He's a very sweet little kitty. I think my mom would adore him. Not sure how his aunt & uncle (Temjin & Namir) would react to him though. His mother is their sister from a younger litter.
I'm still working on my pickup trying to get the intake manifold gaskets on. I was just about ready to and had everything cleaned up.
Saw something I didn't like and it needs more investigation.
I need to try and find out if it's my head gasket that's leaking. 🙈😱😡
Maybe it isn't but I've got to find a way to test it and I've come up with a plan.
Last night I cut up four pieces of quarter inch aluminum and four pieces of plywood and made a wood/aluminum/ silicone end cap for each of the four water ports in the heads. The aluminum should act as a great big washer. I was going to put the aluminum on the bottom but then I rethought my methodology.
Well my little pressure tester worked. I rigged up a gauge with a piece of pipe and my water hose got everything plugged up and it sat at 16 lb for about 20 minutes and no leaks anywhere. Didn't cost me anything to make my pressure tester. Kind of goofy but it worked perfectly.
I had a cast iron pipe that was connected to a garden hose fitting. I drilled a hole in that, then used JB weld to epoxy a send a piece of tubing so that I could connect my pressure gauge. The tubing was inserted into the heater hose connection and with the water passovers plugged up with my metal plates, I just added a little bit of pressure with the sprayer handle until it reach 20 lbs, at that point the pressure relief valve kicked in and relieve the extra pressure down to 16 lb and it stayed there for 15 minutes or so. I didn't see any leaks in the heads so I'm good to go.
I could have rented a radiator pressure tester from O'Reilly's but theirs was already loaned out. MacGyver strikes again. 😁


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Millersville University closed due to flooding. In 2011 the town was cut off from most ways in due to flooding.
Our call center is open, working from home on laptops and Cisco Jabber for phone access.
I heard some thunder a few minutes ago but didn't see any rain. They had torn up more of the road and were putting down tar today. Had to wait for some of the tractors to move out of the way so I could take my brother to his job interview (his truck needs new motor mounts, CR-V's battery is dead). He went in and came out less than a minute later. Said they told him they already hired enough people & didn't bother to call him to cancel the interview.

We checked on the kitten afterward and were seeing how my friend was doing. Kitten is still tired. Friend was not doing well. His mom brought by some tomales with jalepenos. She knows he's allergic but didn't care and didn't warn him. He managed to take a bunch of benadryl when he felt his airway restricting. No epi pen sadly, but the benadryl worked.

Then his gf's family all showed up. Her brother, sister-in-law, & their two kids were already there. Then her bio mom showed up w/ her husband and the gf's inbred sister-cousin. The sister-cousin brought her baby (who is 10 days younger than the gf's baby). The baby's had no real interest in interacting with one another. She younger one seems more alert, responds to her name, stood up, and seems more intelligent-- despite having two parents who are mentally challenged (and I mean legally where they are both so mentally challenged they get social security for it). The poor sister-cousin has a speech impediment and does not understand things very well. But she's still a better mother than the gf is. I feel bad for her. Her husband is extremely abusive/violent but she doesn't have the intelligence to leave him.

I almost think I should create a story blog called Redneck Drama, change some names, and pretend it's fiction... But then, some of this stuff would seem too far fetched even though it's real.

Meanwhile, I just ate fried chicken & apparently some of the grease is still on my fingers bc Biscuits is trying to eat my fingers.
Zannej my friend, I think you should. I read what you type every day and am typically speechless. Your life my friend is one epic rollercoaster of ups and downs and about the only thing that seems consistent in it all is that you clearly have a gigantic heart and I do not think I would be mistaken to think it was made of anything other than solid gold.

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