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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
I try to stay away from politics on here, but can be vocal in my government class. Our teacher offered 20 points to anyone who wanted to write a short essay about how bills become laws. I don't need the points, I already have an A, but thought I would have some fun. This is my take on how a bill becomes law.

The REAL Way a Bill Becomes Law
First, an executive at a major corporation comes up with an idea that will only benefit his corporation. Next he contacts one of the lobbyists his company is paying.
The lobbyist then contacts one of the congress members that he owns. He reminds the congressperson where all the perks come from and tells them about the idea. The congressperson writes the bill and lets the other members, the ones that owe him favors for supporting their bills, know about his bill.
Then the bill goes to a committee, where if the chairperson decides that they can benefit from the bill, they let it go before the full committee. While in the committee, the other members add on things that will benefit them and get it moved to the floor.
Finally, the bill goes before the house for a vote after favors are traded. If it passes it is sent to the Senate. The Senators then pass their own version of the bill adding benefits for the companies they represent and it goes to a joint conference committee, where both sides milk it for all it’s worth.
Back to the House and Senate it goes, where if both pass it, it goes to the President. Then he must decide if it will gain him more votes than it loses him or contains some of his pork barrel projects that he supports. If so, he signs the bill and it becomes law and the American people get the shaft again.
Good one , But i think the staffers write the bill so the congressmen can play Golf ,or cheat on his wife . ;)
You completely missed one CRITICAL element of our legal system regarding how a bill becomes law and that is the judicial branch. It would do no good for corporations, unions and mafiosa to corrupt ONLY the legislative and executive branches of our federal, state and municipal government. You got that part covered in your essay. But believe you me the district attorneys and judges are ultimately the most important people to own. When Don Corleone jingles the politicians in his pocket like so many nickles and dimes.......the judges are the silver dollars.
The essay reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield in the movie back to school. He's in a business class and pisses off the teacher when he describes the real world method it takes to start a business. The teacher knew nothing about unions, inspectors, bribes, etc.

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