Gun free zone

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The rate of gun deaths in the US is 4.3 per 100,000.

The rate of traffic accident deaths in the US is 12.28 per 100,000.

That means you're 3x more likely to die of a traffic accident than a victim of gun violence.

A mass shooting is defined as 4 or more dead or injured and there were 323 of those in 2018 with 387 dead and 1,274 wounded or 1,661.

That's 1,661 per 317 Million or 166.1 per 31.7 Million or 16.6 per 3.2 Million or 1.7 per 302,000 or 0.56 per 100,000.

That doesn't make their lives any less valuable than any other person, but it's a bit over-reacting to get emotionally bent out of shape.
mass shootings in 2019

  1. Honduras (60.00 deaths per 100,000 people)
  2. Venezuela (49.22 deaths per 100,000 people)
  3. El Salvador (45.6 deaths per 100,000 people)
  4. Swaziland (37.16 deaths per 100,000 people)
  5. Guatemala (34.10 deaths per 100,000 people)
  6. Jamaica (30.72 deaths per 100,000 people)
  7. Brazil (21.9 deaths per 100,000 people)
  8. Colombia (18.65 deaths per 100,000 people)
  9. Panama (15.11 deaths per 100,000 people)
  10. United States (12.21 deaths per 100,000 people)
The mother of the man accused of slaughtering 22 people in El Paso on Saturday reportedly called police weeks before the massacre to express her concerns about a firearm her son owned."

Doesn't say what she was concerned about. Was it because she didn't think the gun was legal because of it's physical appearance? ............or that her son was unstable. I guess we just have to guess?
One report was that she thought he was dangerous.
What's the first rule of a gun fight? Bring a gun!
What's the first rule of a knife fight? Bring a gun!
What's the second rule of a gun fight? Bring a friend.....with a gun!
* The congressionally-mandated study of the federal “assault weapon ban” of 1994-2004 found that the ban had no impact on crime, in part because “the banned guns were never used in more than a modest fraction of gun murders.” (Urban Institute[1]) Rifles of any type are used in only two percent of murders. (FBI[2])

* “Murder rates were 19.3% higher when the Federal [assault weapon] ban was in effect.”[3]
Americans own over fifteen million AR-15s and buy hundreds of thousands of new ones every year. (National Shooting Sports Foundation)

* Total violent crime has fallen to a 44-year low and murder to an all-time low, while ownership of the firearms and magazines that gun control supporters want banned has risen to all-time highs. (FBI,[5] ATF[6])
Interesting..... velly velly intellesting.
I'm now concerned about hammers, knives and fists. Ban them.......... background checks for brass knuckles.


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We had Daisies, then a Crossman pump BB/pellet gun. Next came the hand me down family 22 single shot.... Remington? Don't recall. My brother bought a Browning semi auto shotgun and some reloading equipment............ 3 other families in out block had reloading stuff including lead bullet casting/swaging stuff. We lived right across the street from the high school. We walked 2 blocks up the street with are arsenals of killing machines and we were in "the woods" ......oooooh, "the woods" :eek: Nobody ever gave it a second thought that there children were walking up the street with weapons.............. they knew we were just going to plink cans, dirt clods and stuff.
High school kids had gun racks in their pickups and often with a rifle or shotgun in it. Nobody cared but I thought it was stupid because guns are expensive and someone might steal it............ not go on a crazed rampage....... just steal it.
Times have changed a lot. Can we really fix life back to like it was in the early 60's and 70's. Don't think so. Just like a revival/anniversary of Woodstock would be a good idea. It would be a total disaster. Woodstock was a statement in an era. Some things cannot be re-done.
When I grew up I had a BB gun at 7 yrs old, a .22 at 11 years old, a .410/.22 at 12 and then my ruger 10/22.
Dad was a Democrat italian from south philly.
He didnt like guns but was a redneck, country luvin fucking italian badass.
Back then it didn't make a damn bit of difference if you were republican or democrat as far as gun ownership was concerned.
But then no one owned AR type guns. Closest thing was a Remington semi auto 3 shot hunting rifle used exclusively for hunting.
It should be that way now.
I have no problem with background checks.
Just too many crazy mo fos out there who think .gov is going to take away your guns.
During the last ban on AR/Ak no one got their guns taken away by .gov.
Its just not safe for the street cop or citizens anymore.
I have a semi auto 22 rifle I have had for many years. it was used primarily for rabbit hunting. Under most democrat ideas, it would be illegal. Several have said they want ALL semi autos banned, rifles and handguns. They can go eff themselves. The last ban was based on looks not function. No one should write a gun law who knows nothing about guns. Gun bans will not effect criminals.

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