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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2011
Davison, Mi, Michigan
Now I know how to answer when they want to know my pain level.
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That feeling I know, but suck it up buttercup not much they can do about it. The pain pills I'm on plus 2 tylenol to strengthen it don't do much good.
Most pain pills I can't take because I have kidney disease. Hydrocodone, ocycodone, tramadol and gabapentin make me very ill. I am allergic to methotrexate.
Sorry to hear that guys, I’m hurting too, but probably nothing compared to yours. Any joint replacements done or in the works between you guys.
My worst pain is in my foot. Not much they can do for it.
I have another iron infusion tomorrow, one Wednesday and the last next Monday.
Jon C. Ream; the inventor of that patent was a member of Local 1247 IBPAT and co-worker. He was a real character. The Crain Cutter unit you asked about looks to me like a rip-off of his patent. I cant recall details but I believe he tried to sue them. I think they offered some settlement money that he refused and wound up with nothing.

Sorry to hear that guys, I’m hurting too, but probably nothing compared to yours. Any joint replacements done or in the works between you guys.

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