Wireless modems

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Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2011
Davison, Mi, Michigan
I have the Linksys wireless set up and about ready to smash it. The system is less than a year old and I have to unhook it about 3-4 times a week to get it to make connection. Tonight I unhooked it 3 times before it reset itself and made connection. Sometimes leaving it unplugged frm 5 minutes to 30 minutes.
Any better out there or are they all the same?

Linksys has a one year warranty. It might be time to call Shaheed in India and make him fix it. Mine was just over a year old so they charged me $25 to extend the warranty and after a quick call to Rajeed in Buhpal, he got mine working great.
Wrong coded Firmware is the most common problem.
It could also be from your isp . Below is a link to update the firmware . Check the back of your router for the model number .
Let me know if the update works for you .


Are you GOD? You know everything!
.......we are your servants, Nick.
Ya want human sacrifices or can we go a little lighter on the requirements? ....foot rubs, fake promises and such. :confused:
Highup uses 2 cans and a string.

Trying not to laugh..........

That's sooo funny, but this old lady does not understand this stuff. Was thinking about getting a tablet, then learned about WiFi and routers and subscriptions and all that. Not interested. Stay out of my pocketbook! I'm good with what I've got. Dear Lord, I just got good with texting and sending pics!


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