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May 13, 2021
Perkasie Pa
I’m watching “ Love Thy Nature “ narrated by Liam Neeson. Amazing ! Check it out.

The Industrial Revolution is no longer serving us adequately , Biomimicry or a Biological Revolution, sure looks quite appealing.
I love those kinda shows but I’m also torn on how I feel about these kinds of breakthroughs.

I was reading an article about how these new weight loss drugs came about. Something about a gene, hormone or whatever it is that the Gila monster has that suppress their appetite is what these weight loss drugs are based upon. That’s great but why do we have to bioengineer a solution to a problem that we have created in the first place.
. That’s great but why do we have to bioengineer a solution to a problem that we have created in the first place.
It’s all about ying and yang….. you do this, by placing MSG in the food, to sell more. So, the opposing force does that
( make Gila Monster MSG Suppressor ) Its crazy stupid , indeed ! but It’s free will reality ! and is the best way to point out flaws ( If we listen 👂) In other words it’s the way to regulate ourselves against imperfection in an imperfect way 😄😂
Now I’m watching ‘ Don’t feed the Coyotes ‘ in San Francisco , on Pattrn Channel 👍 Sure beats all the other crap on the boob tube……and it has music playing where a commercial break would usually be.
Going to check and see if Whistlin' Diesel has put his new toy back together.
He recently bought a HUGE bulldozer in Montana. To transport it on a large flatbed, the blade and other parts had to be removed. Not a small undertaking.
The Dozer is the exact same model that was named "Kill dozer" A Komatstu D235 A.....
...the one used to flatten a town on Colorado back in the 70's ?
Cody has a sense of adventure..... So he decided his trip home from Montana back to Iowa needed to take a shortcut westward through Grandby Colorado. 😱
Man....he has balls.
He did a second video interviewing people in Grandby to hear their stories of that day.
Here's another site's description of his purchase and his plans. of his own videos are really fun.
On YouTube, search Whistlin Diesel and Killdozer
Agreed, but they really pushed his buttons.
I'll put up WD's two links. They are way out of his norm.
His "norm" will begin when he gets home and his Killdozer gets put back together. 😁
Have no clue what he's going to destroy first... A school bus or another $300,000 Ferrari. 🤣
Thought : Dominion

As I’m watching the dogs in the yard , how amazing is the Invisible Fence invention. Then, I couldn’t help but recognize the ego boost, even though none of us invented it, all of us ( in part) share a cultural ego boost’ for it. This example is good dominance, but what about the ones that are
destructive ? Maybe it’s time to shift from domination to participation, both in the Natural and Political world. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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C.J. Tonight’s program on Pattrn. Channel is ‘ Agave: Spirit of a Nation ‘ 👍

I bought a bottle some time ago and have been saving it for a worthy occasion. That time came and went this past weekend but I still have the extra 10 pounds that came with it.

My daughters baby shower was in New Tripoli ( only 1 hour away ) Once the weather breaks into Spring, I’ll have two reasons to travel there. The second, God and body willing, golf ! Here I am at the local course this past fall.


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Back on subject ! And a friendly request: Lets discuss Climate in one topic, here, rather than ‘ what did you do today’ 😎

I think we can all agree that since Industrial inventions it’s been a battle containing it and cleaning up 🧹 behind it.
We all understand the concept or principle
THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION IS DILUTION ….. Don’t you think we need more diligent dilution ?

I’m watching some indoctrination 😜 ‘ The Secret Science of Sewage ‘ ( Pattrn weather channel) and all these scientists are testing different ‘ Industrial inventions’
to clean up current Industrial inventions,
IN OTHER WORDS , THE SOLUTION TO POLLUTION 😎 …… This process IMHO NEEDS to be embraced, not criticized as INDOCTRINATION.

When we study statistics don’t we eliminate the high and low readings ? And isn’t that a form of diluting, in order to capture information that is more accurate 👍

The problem we are facing is that the Industrial Revolution process has been allowed to continually stay way ahead of the Dilution ( CLEAN UP 🧹) process 😢

As much as I want 3rd world nations to experience the luxury’s we have now, the fact of the matter is ! ! WE NEED TO SCALE UP THE MUCH NEEDED AND NEGLECTED CLEAN UP 🧹 PROJECT. We may over step here and there along the way, but hopefully by cutting out the polar opposite methods we find some that are more accurate and like C.J. Said hopefully we don’t destroy ourselves.
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