Breast reduction surgery

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Supporting Member
Jul 11, 2011
Davison, Mi, Michigan
Well tomorrow I go in for my breast reduction surgery. I say and tease that but actully they are going to remove a noncancerous tumer off my upper left breast. It has already been test to be noncancerous. But they want it gone beefore it could flip a become so. So at 1:30 in I go into the OR.
That reminds me...
There was a crooked man, and he walked a crooked mile, He found a crooked sixpence against a crooked stile; He bought a crooked cat which caught a crooked mouse, And they all lived together in a little crooked house. you haven't heard that one in a while.
I'm home and sore as hell. The day actually was a cluster fuck, but surgery went well I guess. When one hand don't know what the other is doing things go to hell. I got into it with the surgeon. So getting back he put me to the end of the pack I think. I was the last one to get done when my time was 1:30 . That is my opinion.
I'm home and sore as hell. The day actually was a cluster fuck, but surgery went well I guess. When one hand don't know what the other is doing things go to hell. I got into it with the surgeon. So getting back he put me to the end of the pack I think. I was the last one to get done when my time was 1:30 . That is my opinion.

Never good when you get into it with an installer. Can’t imagine getting into it with a surgeon is any better. Glad you’re back at home and doing well.
When I had my tonsils out, they gave me Demerol to relax, and it worked very well.
That sucks you had a situation on surgical day, and afterwards with the flood. When it rains it pours and then floods 🥵 I hope you get to relax soon Daris

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