Emergency Job

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Jun 25, 2011
, AZ
Had to move this since I was so hammered last night I posted it in the wrong place. lol

I picked up an emergency carpet job this afternoon for tomorrow morning. The regular installer backed out at the last moment. Nothing fancy just some Design Materials woven sisal Sisalon 6706 Apprentice, synthetic http://www.dmikc.com/. Drop room 232 sf at a buck twenty five a sf.

So i get there this morning, carpet is still on it's way...what me pick up crapet :D. The lady of the house is cleaning up the room about a 17' 6" x 13' 2'. But of course it is boarded in slate tiles with lots of floor to ceiling glass windows and doors. The lack of space's for my big butt powerstretcher is worrying me.

Crapet gets here and it's almost short, I got an extra 3/4 of an inch. The company that measured it bailed on installation, God knows why they are even allowed to order Design Materials in the first place. I think their installers were just afraid of the lovely carpet. hee hee

So the stuff is thinner than a cushinbac vinyl., won't stretch sideways at all. Luckily I brought lots of commercial strip. Took 4 hours with trimming and tucking to the stone and sealing all the edges along the tile. The owner is an architect that is building his own jobs plus owns a solar company...score! Walked away with 350 bucks for the one room addition at his house. Love those emergency,,,gotta get'r in tomorrow jobs.

I got some pic's I might post tomorrow. I'm beat, plus I had to go measure all the rubber in a Sports Authority after the install. Wheres my beer!
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i got a job "emergency" job few years back on way to thanks giving dinner!! neighbor of a neighbor type deal(i work on sundays sometimes is how i got "the call") the inlaws showed up as a "surprise", needed the inlaw house liv installed 12 x 16 drop ASAP!! paid double my min charge and got a plate,piece of pumpkin pie and a beer for the road:D
Where did you come up with the commercial J pin tack strip? Or did you do something to shorten the pin's?
If you carry your deadman with you, you would have know concern on how you were going to do your stretch.
Last, why you doing carpet? It is nothing but a dust hog.:)
Where did you come up with the commercial J pin tack strip? Or did you do something to shorten the pin's?
If you carry your deadman with you, you would have know concern on how you were going to do your stretch.
Last, why you doing carpet? It is nothing but a dust hog.:)

I happened upon the commercial tackstrip at a flooring sundry supply house. Amazing what they carry there. :rolleyes:

A deadman don't help unless you get a fat lady to sit on it bro, I work alone. I did luck out that there as a heavy duty track for the commercial like sliding glass door that receded into the wall.

I like doing high end carpet, not low end crapet. Main reason I like it is it's challanging and pays 4 times as much. To make that much money a typical carpet guy here would have to work all day and install 100sy yds of crapet. And this stuff is so thin I doubt it could hold 1/100th of a gram of dust.

I got the strip as possible a I could to the slate and put latex in the gully all the way around. Note the cotton head stretcher.

Remember the woven symposium? I can still see you standing there drinking coffee, bald head shinin in my face. ;) hee hee

Pictures of carpet are hard to do unless it has some color and or patterns.

woven sisal by Design Materials 020.JPG

woven sisal by Design Materials 017.JPG

woven sisal by Design Materials 015.JPG

View attachment woven sisal by Design Materials 001.JPG
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Thats weird, the last attachment didn't show where you can see the commercial strip. Also found a pic where you can almost make out the rows going width wise, not length wise like most tufted carpet is stitched.

Well the 001 pic will not load in the text area for some reason, click on it I promise it is commercial strip. Even then the commercial strip's pins stick up though this product so yer gonna get stuck unless you put something over the pins.

What would you put over the pins Roland?

View attachment woven sisal by Design Materials 001.JPG

woven sisal by Design Materials 007.JPG
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A deadman don't help unless you get a fat lady to sit on it bro, I work alone. I did luck out that there as a heavy duty track for the commercial like sliding glass door that receded into the wall.

Boy you got some balls pushing off that track with all that glass above it! I know I wouldn't have pushed off that thing! If I did I would've shattered the window!:eek:
I have an extra wide deadman that only needs a little weight on it to keep from flipping up. I have two inch wide cloth binding I use to shorten the pin's. At the glass door area I have a carpeted 4 X 6 8 foot long that I would have stretched from.
Man you better clean out those kicker teeth, does not look good on us.
You only wish you had a shinny head like mine.
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I do have large balls. lol The door was opened and as luck would have it this carpet don't stretch widthwise much anyhoo. Taunt is all you get.

When the glass door is opened there is nothing there to ledge a 4 x 4 on that side even if I had one. Had a 5 foot carpeted one with me though. The opposing side is a window frame and that could have broken the window as well. I also had my 6 x 1ft deadman but it will flip, not sure how wide yours is.

But hey it worked, they don't call me lucky for nuthin.:rolleyes:
I have an extra wide deadman that only needs a little weight on it to keep from flipping up. I have two inch wide cloth binding I use to shorten the pin's. At the glass door area I have a carpeted 4 X 6 8 foot long that I would have stretched from.
Man you better clean out those kicker teeth, does not look good on us.
You only wish you had a shinny head like mine.
I use duct tape . ;)
I too would love to see a pic of Rolands deadman. I guess I need an 8 ft 4 x 4 as well. It's just not that high on my list.

Highest on my list is one of them microwave-radiation type seamin irons. :D If anyone has a used one for sale let me know.
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I too would love to see a pic of Rolands deadman. I guess I need an 8 ft 4 x 4 as well. It's just not that high on my list.

Highest on my list is one of them microwave-radiation type seamin irons. :D If anyone has a used one for sale let me know.

Ernesto, Just be careful buying a used one. I hear they keep improving them, and the first model or two are not that great.You really need the latest.
Well wood, laminate floating floor repairs is what I mainly want one for. I tested one of the first one's that came out maybe you remember my pictures on the FCI board. It wasn't pretty. But like you said, they've come a long way since.
Think you need the Pro W. Mine is the Pro. The first I think was the 100. Roland can tell you. He knows all about them. Len Perkins is a member but he hasn't been here for a couple weeks.
all of them now are the Pro. There is one made for wood that don't have the slides on the bottom. If you do find a used 100 it can be modified to a Pro with just a electonics change that takes about 5 minutes to be installed. I have the 100 that was modified. Works great.

The pro will do carpet, laminate, eng wood repairs and more. The only reason you would need the Pro W is to use it on 3/4 inch wood. All they did was take the bottom rails off so it can go down the inch that is needed on the 3/4 inch products.
Now if you have the Pro W you can use it on carpet just keep it on low for most everything.
I will try and take time tomorrow to take a photo of my deadman.

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