Finals again

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Staff member
Feb 21, 2011
The free state of Missouri
Next week is finals again. Almost done with my second semester. Still don't know why I'm going to school, I guess because I can. I still have a 4.0 GPA, at least until finals are over. I am going to cut back on my hours next semester and try to do a few jobs.
I still have a 4.0 GPA, at least until finals are over. I am going to cut back on my hours next semester and try to do a few jobs.

Whats your major again? Carpet installation? You better be getting a 4.0. :D
When I was in college, headed for my BA, I had a microbiology class and "aced" the final. When I received my letter grade, the idiot teacher gave me a B+ for the semester. I was pissed. I confronted him and told him for the last 6 years, every grade I received was a 4.0 (A) and this lower grade was really bruising my ego. He admitted that I aced his class, but he has never given out an A to anyone, because in order to reach that letter grade, meant to him that the student was smarter than he was. He was such an arrogant bastard, and my only reply t him was, "I hope I never catch you driving in my city!"
I totally slept over this one Rusty.
Man, that's so good on so many levels. I never did above C's and B's in school except for 6th grade. Mostly B's and A's................... that year, I got the teacher from hell and somehow, I guess the pressure she put on me made me a better student. Learning has always been hard for me. I learn and understand better visually and hands on than having "book smarts" .
Numbers, letters, dates, and memorizing stuff never sunk in, no matter how hard I studied.................... It was in one ear and out the other at the speed of light. :rolleyes: I have great admiration for people with book smarts and hand skills. Kudo's to ya buddy.
............whatever a Kudo is................ I know it's a good thing. :D
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My problem is, I can't study. It either sticks when I hear it or it doesn't. That only works with some teachers and some subjects.

So maybe it'll take you a little longer than the normal time frame to get through a degree program of value. But getting "A" grades in the intro courses is a very strong sign you have what it takes. Only one way to find out.

Go for it.

I dropped out halfway through my junior year as a psychology major with a minor in philosophy. I made the Dean's list that year so it wasn't about me not making the cut. I had some family problems and never really wanted into those fields------as a PROFESSION.

You see, you have to WANT this enough to stick it out when the going gets tough and as you move into the higher level course work it's designed to weed out the weaker minds. Part of that is basic intellect and educational preparedness. A GREATER part in my eyes is motivation. You're going to have to MAJOR in something eventually. So it has to motivate enough you to study. Essentially it has to be something you LOVE to do so you work hard enough to earn that degree. Think those professors can't see that?

Some of the intro courses are so basic that a man your age already knows it. So what's to study? It'll get to the point where you will need to study and work you ass off. I think you can do it.

Good luck.
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My wife just finished her fourth semester and has 64 credit hours. She is 12 years younger than I am, so she will be more apt to use it.

I'm so far out of that system-----besides for PAYING for the boys through the California university system I don't really remember what "credit hours" are. I do recall when my wife had to re-apply for credentials in California with her Connecticut Speech Therapy Certification she had to get more schooling THEN when the schools wanted her to run classes of Special Ed. Speech preschoolers she had to get another teaching credential.

Man, we spent a lot of time and money on her degrees, certifications, licensing, certifications and whatnot.

REALLY paid off for us though. Some years she can make twice what I make with much better benefits to boot.
Well, here 64 is an Associate degree, you can substitute teach with that. 128 is a BA.

I wonder how many I got in my 2 or 3 years. I have some transcripts from when I transferred my "credits" from community college to the university. I think they were all pretty much accepted as fulfilling "prerequisites" so I could skip the 101 and go straight to the 200 level but there was some kind of glitches as far as FULL transfer of credits for graduation purposes or some other sort of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo.

I'll never forget the process of MATRICULATION.........literally you are forced to accept the power and the reality of The Matrix. Didn't even know what the word meant or any of the science fiction, political, philosophical implications back in those days. They just kept telling me to go to certain offices, stand on line, fill out forms-----so I could be matriculated. I think I understood that word to mean they were F'n with me by using a big word I didn't understand and that was part of the whole intimidation process.

SO dehumanizing.

I hated it.

But I went to the office. I stood in line. I filled out the forms......over and over. I guess for all that I should have stuck it out another 1-2 years and got a degree.

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