How bout a photography forum on here boyz? I just pulled out my old Nikon and was fiddling around with it. Got some nice lenses, filters and stuff. Found a nice antique tripod recently made of brass to go along with my monster tripod. It's sweet.
There was still a half roll of film in the camera, didn't realize it till I popped it open. Then it was exposed...dang. You would not believe how cheap film is these days. I picked up 8 rolls of 400 for 12 bucks.
I thought maybe Highup could give us some lessons. My 17 year old was facinated with it, didn't even know I had it. Much like when he figured out you can get sound out of an vinyl LP with a record player.
Took some pics of it with my digital instant gratification camera.
There was still a half roll of film in the camera, didn't realize it till I popped it open. Then it was exposed...dang. You would not believe how cheap film is these days. I picked up 8 rolls of 400 for 12 bucks.
I thought maybe Highup could give us some lessons. My 17 year old was facinated with it, didn't even know I had it. Much like when he figured out you can get sound out of an vinyl LP with a record player.
Took some pics of it with my digital instant gratification camera.