What’s Bugging you

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May 13, 2021
Perkasie Pa
Found these in the van today, 😡 I’m hoping they are not BB …. Who’s an expert on bug identification ?


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Google that. The wife found some app that you can take a picture of a plant and it will tell you what kind of plant it is. There’s gotta be a bug app for that.

Hopefully your van baking in the heat from the sun will kill them bastards otherwise I’d bug bomb that thing in a hot second.

I never did get any kind of bugs in my van but I’ve certainly had many a piss crystal heat up and make my van stink during the summer.
My bug is to round to be a BB, but I would still like to know what it is. Last time I had an issue I went to the local exterminators shop, maybe I’ll do that again. Thanks C. J.
Google "Lens" would almost certainly identify the bug with a better close-up. I am extremely hesitant to add apps on my phone as well but Google Lens is the coolest thing since sliced bread.

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