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As for the latest school shooter, He had threatened to shoot up a school last year but the FBI investigated and decided he was not a threat.
He wasn’t a threat back then, so what are we supposed to do about improving from that Mistake ‘ ? …. It’s too late to sign him up for Scouting. What would you do under these circumstances to mitigate the next time the FBI addresses a potential criminal.
Why forgive them? They would do it again to help Big Pharma make millions.
Well ! Forgive or not forgive, they will just do what they want to do anyway…… SO ! Here’s the Phycology lesson as my Awareness and life experience tells me.

Forgiveness replaces Blame. 🤔and Blame keeps us trapped in Victim mode. We don’t necessarily need to know why they do what they do, we need to know How to improve and keep them honest. Forgiveness snaps us out of it, so we can creatively think about those improvements.
more believable.PNG
81 million votes is hard to believe and all the more reason to Calmly and Assertively
Fight in an intellectual way to prove the existence of fraud….. The last thing I would have done in that situation would be to provoke my base into a frenzy, to overreact, and make me look unprofessional…… That’s why IMHO we can intellectually surmise that those allegations are most likely not true. 🤷🏻‍♂️
81 million votes is hard to believe and all the more reason to Calmly and Assertively
Fight in an intellectual way to prove the existence of fraud….. The last thing I would have done in that situation would be to provoke my base into a frenzy, to overreact, and make me look unprofessional…… That’s why IMHO we can intellectually surmise that those allegations are most likely not true. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Trump asked for a peaceful demonstration.
Trump asked for a peaceful demonstration.
“ Santiago is not to be touched, and was scheduled to fly off the base in the morning “ 😜 ……So why did they disobey ? And to answer that question all you need to do is look at their obedience response after he Tweeted “ Go home, I love you “ ….. 🧐 reasoning IMHO needs to be considered in this case and in many other cases, but I understand how loyalty and like minded connectivity to him, could cloud over deductive reasoning. We all make mistakes, but it’s time to say goodbye, and cut those losses, then start preparing for a more realistic candidate next time, one that’s not selling a Trout on a plaque. 😜
If I was in Jeff’s shoes, I wouldn’t have any extra time, other than firing little Jeffrey into my red hot smoking girlfriend 😜 ( sorry! ) 😳 did I say that out loud 😝

Your brain gets washed when its dirty, but if it’s clean, it’s clean and if you have the chance to stick it to the man in a royal way, chances are the temptation will take over and you may act upon it…..Now that’s what I call a dirty brain that needs some washing.

We are not far off from one another. We are all in the same ballpark, just merely on different teams with different goals that tempt us to act unfairly most of the time and if we try a little harder to understand that concept, and each other , all we really could choose to do with the opposition is demonstrate fairness back, even when it’s not deserved. 🤔🙏 Otherwise life is just one big giant perpetual revenge game
Out of curiosity, have you listened to a lot of Trump's interviews or him interacting with people?
Out of curiosity, have you listened to a lot of Trump's interviews or him interacting with people?
A few, and sorry 😢 , I find them not sincere enough to believe. That assessment, of course could be a misinterpretation and a mistake, but the spider senses definitely keep getting activated.

I must admit though, I was impressed after one ‘ State of the Union Address’ in the early years, but those words and the attitude, IMHO, never continued 😢 ..,,, I hope they leave him alone after he wins or it gets stolen again 😜 , because we really need to make some improvements, rather than continuing Jerry Springer distractions.
Spidy senses get triggered because when people use the fake media for their info source. Fake media cherry picks a sentence or statement out of context and that's all you know.
"Good people on both sides" was one of the more powerful outright lies. Another, him referring to the military dead as "losers and suckers".....if a person already hates Trump, that statement is easy to believe. It's one man's word against another.
Would anyone actually use those words to describe men who died serving our country?
My brother can't stand Trump. If Trump appears on TV, he'll flip the channel. He won't listen to a word Trump says unless it's a sound bite from the media, CNN, The Guardian, Salon, and he soaks up anti Trump YouTube channels.
My sister hated Rush Limbaugh. She never EVER listened to him. She told me he hates women. 🙄
She heard Katie Couric telling about Rush using the word "feminazi"
If she listened to Rush, she would have known that was a word he coined, describing three women, Bianca Jagger, Gloria Steinem and Hellen Gurly Brown.
They were strong feminists he described them as women who wanted to be men and joked about them when feminist topics were in the news. He didn't hate women, but Katie Couric said so, so it was now true in my sister's mind and she despised him from then on, never listening to one single word of his show. The media told her what to think. Once triggered that negativity is like a drug and you get hooked, then the addiction is constant reinforced by the media every time they twist a new sound bite.
With Trump, you need to dismiss his exaggerations and repetitiveness. When he's off the campaign trail doing sit down interviews you see the real Trump. .....or continue being spoon fed by the anti-Trump media.

I see the point and that’s why I liked it, For the words, not the sexy woman 😜

BUT ! ! let’s not get caught up in their business of WHY ! and loose sight on HOW we can work together to improve the border, economy, environment, health care, education, security etc etc. If you’re not part of the solution, because you want it the way you want it, then you are not fulfilling your responsibilities and are just as much a part of the problem as they are.

Liberalism attitudes and style is not going to evolve away , and we can’t force them SO ! If what comes out of our mouths is not Reasonable, is a full blown reaction, rather than a reasonable response ( on both sides, ) then we could self destruct…. Someone needs to step up and mentor Assertive action with out denigration.

Just for **** and giggles ( I actually don’t like that phrase) let’s keep a tally on Trump and Kamala next Tuesday on who denigrates the other the most.

the Liberals don't want to work together to keep illegals out.
They may not want to, but again ! That’s not our business to judge or assume. Our business is to be ‘ Doers ‘ with out being Judgers 🤔 …… The time and energy it takes to judge and complain could be better spent on doing. What does doing look like ? ……. It’s an attitude towards the greater good, with no distractions. That means if the opposition is placing a roadblock in front of you, you go around the block rather than fighting against it….. Invite them to see the progress/ plan and ask for feedback. Just because they won’t work with you doesn’t mean you don’t work with them. 🤔
They may not want to, but again ! That’s not our business to judge or assume. Our business is to be ‘ Doers ‘ with out being Judgers 🤔 …… The time and energy it takes to judge and complain could be better spent on doing. What does doing look like ? ……. It’s an attitude towards the greater good, with no distractions. That means if the opposition is placing a roadblock in front of you, you go around the block rather than fighting against it….. Invite them to see the progress/ plan and ask for feedback. Just because they won’t work with you doesn’t mean you don’t work with them. 🤔
It's amazing. You make a long post and say nothing.
It's amazing. You make a long post and say nothing.
Blessed are the Peace Makers: How many times must we forgive. How many times must I be expected to forgive my offender who shows no sign of repentance ? …. Not seven but seventy seven 🤔.

This stuff is not easy when everything in our core of humanity tells us to fight against them and resist forgiving, but in fact , only forgiveness is the way.

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